Elvis System is a management system for pharmaceutical representatives, pharmacists and vets. It is a CRM with BI functionalities created to fit the needs of the pharmaceutical market.
It also counts with access levels for pharmaceutical representatives, supervisors and managers. It offers a real-time management of the entire team's activity. Besides, its remote upload of orders module supports any industry that uses geographically allocated sales promoters or vendors.
Not only does it generate frequency, coverage, segmentation, weighing and effectiveness reports, it also integrates maps and dashboards to better visualize information. It has a library of more than 150 PKIs with customizable alerts.
Last but not least, it requires no installation of software in the devices of the users, as it is multiplatform and operates with or without Internet connectivity. It synchronizes information in real time with no intervention of the user.
Elvis System is a CRM that facilitates the management of the interaction between the sales force and a 360° view of contacts. It incorporates information of different sources in real time: descriptive profile, history of visits, prescription history, orders, transfers, tags, alerts, reminders.
The information of the team of pharmaceutical representatives, pharmacists or vets is reflected in Elvis System reports. The reporting module generates all indicators in real time. The package of DEMOGRAPHIC REPORTS makes the population analysis of the file. ACTIVITY REPORTS evaluate coverage, frequency and sequence indicators.
Laboratories with over-the-counter products must triangulate the medical visit with a careful analysis of the selling point. The chemist is the real meeting point to interact with consumers. Therefore, Elvis System counts with an SP module to keep a record of all variables intervening at the moment of purchase. Is my brand accordingly displayed? What is the relation between my facingshare and that of the competition? What is the stock level of my products? What is the proportion between my prices and that of others? Are there any display cases or promotional materials broken that need repair? Are there any alerts or actions of the competitors to act upon?
Paper is a thing of the past. Elvis System's electronic literature module allows representatives to digitalize all promotional materials to make them available in their tablets. The digital material is more flexible in this format than paper, as it facilitates the following: animations integration, determination of the speed of presentations, branching content according to doctor's interests. Furthermore, Elvis System generates reports with specific PKIs of the presentations, such as: exhibition time, amount of projections and satisfaction surveys.
The geographical distribution of doctors, chemists, vets and selling points facilitates the optimization of representatives' routes, allowing them to prepare better traveling strategies to save time and evaluate the transaction from a geographical point of view.
Elvis System counts with more than 150 specific PKIs calculated in real time for the pharmaceutical industry. All of them can be set up with red and yellow alerts per level. Every indicator is depicted in the dashboards of coverage, frequency, objectives, human resources, samples and materials.
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